EIM is an evangelical, interdenominational, Christian organization devoted to assisting the communities worldwide through the agency of the churches.

Emmanuel International Mission by the Numbers


Project Countries


Active Projects

Transforming lives

Implementing strategies to address the root causes of poverty and bring about real transformation in lives.

A Church Based Solution

Trusted means of connecting caring Americans to these local community churches, giving them the tools to meet the needs of the people around them.

Holistic Ministry

EI Mission works in four main areas: relief, rehabilitation, sustainable development and Christian ministries.

From the News Room

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UgandaTransforming Lives in Northern Uganda: The Vision for the SEND Centre

Transforming Lives in Northern Uganda: The Vision for the SEND Centre

In the heart of Northern Uganda, a new vision is taking shape—a place where faith, discipleship, and mission training will come together to equip the next generation of leaders. Emmanuel Internatio...

PhilippinesBring Clean Water to Edmar Village in the Philippines

Bring Clean Water to Edmar Village in the Philippines

Help Us Raise funds to Support This Life-Changing Water Refilling Project Imagine living in a community where clean drinking water is scarce, and families must pay high prices just to meet their da...

U.S.Bon Voyage to an EIM leader!

Bon Voyage to an EIM leader!

After serving the EIM-US board for more than 15 years, it is with great sadness that we bid a fond farewell to Mark Abbott who has served on the board since 2007. Recently retired as a pilot for Fe...